
Friday 3 October 2014

WhatsApp Status Update Quotes

Download original sentences for whatsapp

WhatsApp is an application that more people communicate. It is easy to use and you can send free messages you want at anytime. Also, you can upload a profile picture and status update, that way your contacts will know how you feel right now.

Here is a list of whatsapp original states. Choose the one you like and share with others what they think and feel.

Examples of original sentences for whatsapp:

"Rev up in bad times and good enjoy them slowly"

"Win or lose, live or die, laugh or mourn, there is always a way to go"

"Every time I look into your eyes I blush while I am happy"

"If you feel the same for me, why do not you who makes the first move"

"I am not king but I can give you the kingdom of happiness"

"I hate when that which is urgent to shift important"

"No sailor became an expert in calm waters"

"Having too much does not give you happiness, if you need a little"

"With you I am ready for anything and to be honored you broke my heart"

"Seize opportunities and always look forward to is my way of life"

"Love is a seed that grows in the hearts of those who have a destiny together"

"Available at all times but only for those who deserve my attention"

"Settling defeat is a thing of losers fight to the last second and die standing is my law"

"You are the blue that gives life to my sky and red that gives color to my heart"

"You can read and imagine my state but I never know how I really feel"

"A greeting and a kiss for all those waiting for my bitter setbacks and triumphs with my life"

"My life is not perfect but acted honestly, I live a mile a minute without hiding behind masks"

"Stop looking at my statements and tell me what you really feel about me, I promise not bother"

"It is difficult to take the first step when you have more than once taken the wrong way"

"A knowing smile, a provocative look, and is captivated me and now I can not get you off my mind"

"My goal in life is to do what I love and getting paid for it"

"If you have the power to choose what you want for your life because you obey what others say"

"Solo is considered failure when you fail over 100 times in the same, persists until the end"

"Do not despair because everything happens at the right time, in the meantime enjoy this"

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