
Tuesday 30 September 2014

Nice phrase Wedding For Free Download

Download free wedding cute phrases

The inspirations that arise when a wedding is to take place are endless, as this is an important event that there is no comparison with purchasing a new car or celebrate the birthday of your cousin or attend a prom.

A wedding or marriage represents the union of two people who are committed to love and respect for the rest of their lives to form another link in a long chain that is our society, that is why very often found beautiful phrases and deep thoughts related to this event and then we give you some of them.

Examples free wedding phrases:

- "We all understand that marriage means committing but more than two people is with life as it not only means ensuring that loved to the end of his days and get the rings, is joining the world as a society to contribute values​​. It is a new family that will unite forces to train their children, buy a house and make a home full of values​​, this is the real commitment we swore on the altar. "
Category: Wedding phrases

- "One of the most magnificent celebrations of our lives is when two people join their lives forever, is when we stop thinking about ourselves and learn to think as a couple, it's when two people unite their thoughts and decide to proceed as if they were one , caring for each other, setting a common goal. We no longer think more into one, without forgetting that we reserve a time for our personal lives, but that does not mean we should do it in secret, trust and loyalty are core values​​. "

- "The immense happiness that we feel when we decided to join our life to the being we love the show the day we celebrate our marriage, is a feast with family and friends but that happiness does not manifest the magnificence of the party or clothing or food and drink but from the conviction to live every one of these days like the day of your wedding, reason enough to feed love, not let the fire of passion goes, and protect your love forever. "

- "The best way to express love is the union body and soul in holy matrimony is not a decision that is done daily, is not as simple as shopping and choose a birthday present, you give yourself totally wrapped in paper gift and there is no turning back and do not marry for economic convenience or worse pity that you only lead to ruin your life, get married when you feel that you love so much and you need to seal it forever. "

- "Today our society requires households to change from its roots that are able to change our reality, families and forge new generations and good marriages are the main key to achieve this, should not mean a wedding party and bustle but only to commit to families forge with many values​​, to grab instill new generations all that has been disappearing, values ​​that have been in the past. Desiring to have a different future where honesty and loyalty are part of their training.

Join in the holy sacrament of marriage is one of the most beautiful events of our lives, not only because it is an important decision but because we have a sacred duty to feed the flame of love forever, flame should never be turned off because it depends the success of our married life and to help in this beautiful work you have provided these peculiar messages.


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